Lightweight marble panels for interior walls are a solution that combines beauty and technology.

Until now, interior marble cladding has had the handicap of the weight. A thickness of about 2 cm does not allow for large slabs. Also, the looks of large marble slabs is sensibly different compared to the appearance of smaller ones.

Large format

Most Stonesize products allow a maximum size of 2900 X 1450 mm.

To be able to cover a large space with marble and achieve an excellent result a seamless continuation of the veins is necessary.

Paneles ligeros de mármol para paredes de interior - Lightweight marble panels for interior walls

The book match methodology enables us to achieve lightweight marble panel walls with high aesthetic value. What makes this type of wall unique is the fact that it has as few joints as possible, which in turn allows for a millimetric fit of the grain pattern.

Minimum thickness

Such a size would be challenging to handle with a thickness of two or more centimeters. Relocation and assembly costs would skyrocket, and there would be no guarantee of optimum results.

Stonesize, on the other hand, weighs almost three times less than dimensional stone. The Stonesize lightweight marble slabs offer the possibility to select minimum thicknesses from 5 mm. to 20 mm. It depends on the requirements of each application and design.

High strength

In addition, even though being ultra-lightweight, , it is not less resistant. As we see in the video above, Stonesize panels are much more resistant than conventional panels.

Each panel uses materials such as honeycomb, fiberglass, composite, or aluminum, all lightweight but highly resistant.

Easy to assemble

Stonesize lightweight marble wall panels reduce installation times thanks to their ease of handling. As a result, installation costs are reduced.


Investing in this type of coating is profitable. Panels can be mounted above the front wall. If you want to move it to another place, it can be done with all comfort because it is entirely removable. Consequently, you don’t have to give up our investment in the event of a move.

This feature also makes it easier to carry out the building’s maintenance tasks such as repairs or new service installations without damaging any material.

If you want to know more about lightweight marble panels for interior walls, isit our products page or contact us >