Quality and Environment Policy

LUXURY STONE TINO, S.L. company specialized in “The commercialization of products in natural stone”. It is our objective to work under a documented and regularly verified QUALITY system, at the level set by the UNE-EN-ISO 9001: 2015 and UNE-EN-ISO 14001: 2015 standards, as a way to ensure that all applicable requirements are met. company and the improvement of the environment.
We are committed to meet both the requirements of our customers, interested parties and the legal and regulatory requirements and other requirements that the organization subscribes. We are committed to continuously improve the effectiveness of the Quality and Environmental Management System, aimed at achieving the company’s objectives in the most efficient manner in order to meet customers and stakeholders and respect the environment, preventing pollution. We are committed to offering the highest quality of our products in a standardized way, understood for the total satisfaction of the client, as a guarantee of continuity, growth and development. To provide the material and human resources that are necessary for the achievement of the objectives, with the conviction that the cost that this implies is not more than the most profitable investment to which this company can aspire.
Use Quality Management as a tool for continuous improvement, which allows eliminating the costs of No Quality that impact on the one hand on the dissatisfaction of the clients and on the other hand on the loss of competitiveness of our company. Satisfy the needs and expectations of our customers regarding the quality of natural stone products and delivery conditions, as a guarantee of continuity, growth and development. We will use Quality management as a tool for continuous improvement, which allows us to optimize the internal management of our company, seeking to satisfy the needs and expectations of our customers. We will transmit the culture of quality and environment to all the staff, making them aware of the importance of their role in the contribution to the image sought with the client and the rest of the interested parties and respect for the environment. Manage the office and facilities in a manner that reduces negative environmental impacts and the use of natural resources. To make of the QUALITY in our company a difference of concept with respect to the competition.